Book Study Courses
NOTE: Studies are similar, with the exception of personal beliefs and preferences. Therefore, it's not recommended to purchase both. If you have questions, please reach out to our team!

Book Study
"She’s Still There"
by Chrystal Evans Hurst
Sparking Curiosity About Your Own Life
The intention of this study is that you recognize cycles and patterns within your own life that are holding you back, learn to process them, plan, and implement changes that get you back to YOU.
Finish the course feeling enlightened about your own journey and the possibility that lies ahead.

Book Study
"Daring Greatly"
by Brene Brown
Viewing Vulnerability as Strength
The purpose of this course is to build your self-awareness around why you or people in your life struggle to be vulnerable and that you work towards opening yourself up to be seen.
When you finish this study, you'll feel honest with yourself and gain the courage to be vulnerable.

Step 1.
Course Enrollment
Within minutes of completing your purchase, you'll get an email with the next steps and your login credentials.
Step 2.
Get To Work
Each course and workshop should be taken at your own pace. Review the provided materials, videos, and complete your workbooks.
Step 3.
Achieve Your Goals
The worksheets in each course help you stay accountable and implement what you learned so you can reach your goals. Plus... both the Transformation Community and our amazing team of coaches are here to assist you every step of the way!

Join for new articles every Monday and gain insight into what’s keeping you stuck and ways to move forward. Once you subscribe, expect a “gift” of a video, a self-assessment tool, and my "Finding Purpose in Your Pain" journal to start healing.