Introducing Megan: The Survivor and Trauma Transformation Guide

megan babcock trauma transformation Mar 31, 2023

Dodging negative emotions makes it easy for us to get swept away in the flow of life. But, I’ve learned that living our desired lives requires curiosity about our feelings, so there’s awareness of how we interact with the world around us.

My life was not the one I desired, nor was it who I wanted to be. The negative loop of unaddressed trauma was the motive behind my emotions and behavior, resulting in further trauma.

I often questioned how I ended up here during those years, yet nothing altered in the long term.

For 20 years, I have had a very successful healthcare career as a nurse. From the general floor to critical care and onto cardiac devices, big pharma, and biotech, I was the image of success. To feel like there was value to my life, I was happy to be a caretaker, solve people's problems, jump through hoops to please people, and chase achievement. These qualities were a welcomed asset in the corporate world. I hit goals, made great bonuses, won trips, and continued increasing my salary to something I was proud of accomplishing.

Yet, nothing was ever enough.


I put on a good face. I posted all the happy pictures. But I was only working hard to disguise the heartache, overwhelm, exhaustion, constant fear, anxiety, and depression.

Seven years ago, I could not keep my second marriage together. I was damaging my kids emotionally and passing down the cycle of trauma. My desperation became more significant than my pride and shame. So, I took my first step to recovery, healing, and creating the beautiful life I have now.

At a recovery meeting, I made it through an ugly cry until I finally introduced myself:

"Hi, I am Megan, and I am a codependent."


That moment was monumental in my journey of self-discovery and healing, enabling me to experience the life and love I always desired.

I felt a sudden wave of relief wash over me. The mask I was wearing could come off, and life could take a new direction.

Still, the thought of 'what now?' lingered.


I wanted something straightforward to aid me in my progress. I needed to feel supported in my growth, empowered when I had to face tough moments, and feel comfortable communicating my truth.

Given my curious nature, which I leveraged to be an exceptional problem solver, I decided to use this approach to explore my situation.

To begin, I asked myself what clues me into the fact that something is wrong in my life. The answer I came up with was that I experience strong emotions when confronted with specific situations.

I feel nervous when triggered; my heart races, and I get a pit in my stomach.

When I realized what I needed to look out for, I had a plan. Don't react or act in any way apart from taking some long, deep breaths and working through a set of questions. The questions help me understand what I am feeling, recall if I have experienced something similar in the past that created these feelings, and identify what I believe.

The questions are:

What is the emotion I am feeling?
What belief about myself is being triggered?
Is there an early memory where I felt or believed this?
Is the current response helping or hindering me from having the life I desire?

By delving into the origin of my experience, I could detect false narratives and beliefs that shaped how I interacted with others.

One might wonder what traumatic events are part of my story. I was in many situations that re-traumatized me because of my thoughts and actions. I experienced sexual, emotional, spiritual, and physical abuse. Beliefs of not being enough and not acknowledging my feelings began at an early age.

As a result, I found myself seeking love in all the wrong places. This further enforced these beliefs adding to the trauma I was already facing. Thus, creating a cycle of trauma that had become my life's controlling force.

There are still many hard days, but because I am different and the skills I have cultivated, I can walk through the pain and find purpose!

Even though running from my emotions hurt me and those closest to me, I found purpose in my story. I would not be here with you as your trauma transformation coach, able to empathize without knowing how hard the work is.



Looking back, I can see God's hand in those difficult things, aligning my life and providing for our family while I pursue my purpose to help others break their trauma cycle.

I am honored to have you a part of this community and hope you find the inspiration to take charge of your story! I pray you find guidance, support, community, connection, and freedom with me as your guide.

The journey of self-discovery through curiosity will break the trauma cycle, reveal the cause, and allow you to create the life you desire.

Besides being a survivor and doing the work myself, I am curious, strategic, and ambitious, with a proven track record of success.

It has worked for me, my kids, and my clients, and it can work for you too!


All these years and experiences, good and bad, have given me the qualifications to guide others to healing and thriving. If you want to know more about my professional background, you’ll find my experience below!

  • Registered nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing since 2002
  • 20+ years in the Health Care Industry and hundreds of hours coaching.
  • DEO Design Foundations in Design Thinking Certificate
  • Trained in Mindfulness
  • Trauma-Informed Care Courses
  • Certified Functional Medicine Nurse
  • Certified Transformative Nurse Coach
  • Member of the American Holistic Nurse Association
  • Member of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association


xoxo, Megan


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