Episode 1: My Story of Survival, Healing & Breaking The Cycle megan babcock podcast episodes trauma transformation Apr 28, 2023


This week's podcast episode aims to inspire and bring hope to people who have experienced hard, traumatic things that are holding them back and preventing them from living the life they truly desire. Host Megan shares her own story and how she wen...

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It's Your Story to Tell: How Telling Your Story Can Transform Your Life identity & self-discovery megan babcock personal growth Apr 24, 2023

Trauma is an emotional response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event. Various things, such as physical or sexual abuse, the death of a loved one, or a natural disaster, can cause it. Trauma can have a lasting impact on a person's life, leading...

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Don't Let Trauma Define You: Healthy Coping Mechanisms Can Help coping skills megan babcock mental health mindfulness Apr 16, 2023

Trauma can be a challenging experience to overcome. However, with the help of healthy coping mechanisms, you can start managing stress, heal, and eventually move forward. Some healthy coping mechanisms include taking up a hobby, exercising, talking t...

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Healing Trauma: The Power of Curiosity, Community, and Compassion community & support healing megan babcock mental health Apr 10, 2023

Trauma can be complicated to overcome, but curiosity, community, and compassion make it possible to begin healing.

Accepting that unhealthy responses and actions are signs of something wrong (self-awareness) that needs our attention and healing (per...

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How Our Past Affects Our Future: The Trauma Cycle & the Power We Have to Break It healing megan babcock mental health parental guidance Apr 02, 2023

Until I started my trauma transformation journey and research, even as a nurse, I did not know that trauma is the #1 reason people seek health and social services.

I was shocked when I read Dr. Robert Block, former president of the American Academy ...

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Introducing Megan: The Survivor and Trauma Transformation Guide megan babcock trauma transformation Mar 31, 2023

Dodging negative emotions makes it easy for us to get swept away in the flow of life. But, I’ve learned that living our desired lives requires curiosity about our feelings, so there’s awareness of how we interact with the world around us.

My life wa...

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